We are building a page of links we like... if you want us to include your site, e-mail Scum Bag below.

We love the Dazzle Dancers!

Butt magazine

Guild the Lily: "A free association of young artists who wouldn't have it any other way."

Pride links

Têtu : un très beau magazine français...

The editors of Scumbag love pussy (cats, that is!) (Click to feed animals for free)!

Urban75: not queer per se, but we like it.

The Queer Zine Archive Project: Scum Bag ain't on it, but who knows maybe soon.

Holy Titclamps: an awesome zine and great links.

The studio of Rick Chris: Fine art and illustration, positive gay images.

Bang Bang : un zine suisse en langue française. on adore les images et les posters... merci la Suisse.

GayPornBlog... yes, you do!

Gay Crawler

Spidergay.com: Scum Bag Fag Mag is on it!

Paul Mpagi Sepuya: amazing photographer, beautiful male portraits.


Five o'clock bot: a handsome blog, a handsome boy


produzentin: if only we could read German, go anyway!

Drunk Clownz


Gaze 4 Guys: gay porn blog... We like!

E-mail with your links.

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